Sunday, August 7, 2011

November 2010

Wait ... what's this? A new blog post? That's right, my friends. I'm back on the wagon. One of these days, I will not be constantly falling off the blogging wagon. I hope. Three kids has thrown me for a loop, but I'm determined to catch up and keep going with this. And let me also say to all my friends and family out there who have blogs of their own ... I am still enjoying your blogs! I may never comment because most of the time I'm catching up on your posts on my phone while I'm feeding the baby (which is annoying enough as it is), but just know that I still love keeping up with your lives and seeing your pictures and such. I'm just not expressing that verbally. :)
Last November, just a few days before Thanksgiving, is when we found out we were having ... (wait for it) ... another boy. (*small sigh*) Much to the major slight disappointment of some people. And yes, he was just as obvious with his "display" as our other 2 boys during the ultrasound. Ah, boys ...

Then Mama and Pata Jones were able to join us for Thanksgiving. It was a lovely feast, as usual.

While they were here, the boys challenged them to a game of Bed Bugs, which is right up there next to Operation on the annoying factor.

An Evan sandwich. :)

Owen demonstrating how to be cool (without any coaching ... where do they learn these things?).

Mom was kind enough to take me, Kate and Emily to see the NYC Rockettes in SLC. It was so fun and entertaining! I hope they come back.

One of my favorite parts of the show.

We had to see the lights on Temple Square without the grandparents because an incoming storm forced them to head home a day early. The joys of winter (or spring, or fall) travel between Utah and Wyoming!


The Accidental Somebody said...

Yay, I love your bi-annual updates! :) And Rich looks like a little wintry garden gnome...

Keep em coming!

katealyson said...

Yay! November was a fun month. And I can now officially, REALLY be happy that Cameron turned out to be a boy. ;) Welcome back to your blog!

Margaret said...

You're alive! Miss your posts and glad your back on the wagon. Can't wait to see pictures of the new one!

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