Baby Owen ~11 Months Old~
No sign this time. He won't hold still long enough to get a picture with even a portion of the piece of paper. Notice I had to trap him with my legs to get this picture.
Highlights in the life of Owen include:- He eats anything and everything (good when he's in the highchair, bad when he's on the floor)
- He has started sleeping through the night every few nights (all that teasing makes the rest of our nights really unpleasant)
- He stands up for little bits of time, then collapses to the floor in laughter because he thinks it's so funny
- Come to think of it, he thinks a lot of things are funny and laughs a lot and it's this funny little "eh-eh-eh-eh-eh" laugh
- He's still on the move, all over everywhere, crawling like crazy, including up the stairs if they aren't blocked off
- He loves throwing balls, especially on the wood floor, crawling after them, throwing them again, crawling after them ...
- He loves pushing cars around on the floor (I don't know why, but I'm surprised he gets this concept already)
- He is quite the musician; he still shakes everything and hits things together until they make the loudest noise possible; he has added the alligator xylophone to his repertoire and he can play the kazoo like nobody's business (seriously!)
- He babbles a little, but still doesn't talk much; he'll say "ma-ma-ma-ma" and "da-da-da-da" and try to copy some sounds he hears; he coos along sweetly when you sing and he'll copy Putty when he meows with a little "ow"
- He's the sweetest, cuddliest (when he wants to be) little kid and I love him to pieces
What a stud, he'll be walking in no time! You can really tell he's a very happy baby. He's so cute I just want to pinch him!!
At least you don't have to throw the ball for him. He's getting so big.
Ha! That's hilarious, Margaret!
He is sooooo cute. He makes me smile when I see that smile of his.
almost a year, now!! photoshop in the month info, that pic is too cute to pass up!
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